연구소 논문

간헐적 운동부하에서 흑마늘과 생약재의 복합처방이 흰쥐의 체내 지질성분 및 항산화에 미치는 영향

  • 2014-04-04
  • Hit : 9,744



To improve the functionality of black garlic drinks, black garlic extract (5%) and five herb extracts
(1%) were mixed in 70:30 (v/v) ratios as BHF1, and BHF2 was prepared using a 3X concentration
of BHF1. After the black garlic and herb formulas (BHFs) were administered over the course of five
weeks in rats by interval running training, the lipid profiles and the antioxidant enzyme activities
were tested. The total phenolic content of the BHFs were significantly higher in BHF2 than they were
in BHF1, and their antioxidant activities were dependent upon the total phenolic content. No significant
difference was found in the total serum protein levels among the rats in the Ex-con group
by interval running training and the rats in the BHFs-fed groups. However, the albumin level was
significantly higher in the Ex-BHF2 to Ex-con group. AST and ALT activities significantly decreased
in the BHFs-fed groups compared to the Ex-con group. In terms of changes in the serum lipid profiles,
no significant difference was found between the specimens that underwent interval running
training and those that did not undergo interval running training. Triglyceride levels, total cholesterol,
LDL-C, and HTR levels in the serum were significantly decreased in the Ex-BHF2 to Ex-con group.
No significant difference was found in the total lipid levels in the livers of the BHFs-fed groups and
the Ex-con group. The triglyceride levels and total cholesterol levels in the Ex-BHF2 group were significantly
lower compared to another group. Hepatic catalase activity was significantly increased in
the Ex-BHF2 group, but SOD and GSH-px activities were significantly increased as the concentration
of the BHF . The antioxidant enzyme activities by supplementation of BHFs increased; thus, three intakes
of BHF each day could improve antioxidant status against different types of oxidative stress.
Key words : Black garlic, hepatic antioxidant enzyme, herbs, interval running training, lipid profile